A list of all polls that were run on fullhyd.com. To suggest a poll, just email it (with options) to webmaster [at] fullhyd.com
If Vijayashanti really cares for Telangana's people, what should she first do?
Donate her wealth
and stay with
Work with the
govt. to help
Agitate for a
separate state
Which of the following would you consider a real hero?
Do you plan to turn entrepreneur?
Has YSR's first year in power done anything for you?
Did you have sex before marriage?
Do you think you can run the world better than God?
Do you think children should stay with their parents after they grow up?
Do you think the newspapers are encouraging and glorifying promiscuity and reckless sex?
How often are road accidents that you are involved in, your fault?
Which of the following lead ladies in Telugu films would you consider the best actress?
Is it a wise idea for Sania to act in films?
Would you put your savings in the stock markets today?
Do you think the Indo-Pak series results have already been decided?
Do you think the drug stores are justified in their strike?
Are your home and property insured against natural disasters?
They're not insured at all
What do you think is the reason for Aarti Agarwal's suicide attempt?
Should the Naxalite movement be banned again?
Do you support the US on refusing Modi a visa?
Would you try to court a guy/girl who's already seeing someone else?
What percentage of people you know are ethical?