Goethe Zentrum is hosting an Expert Talk On Civic Issues And Citizens' Rights by S P Shorey, at Goethe Zentrum, on 22nd October. The talk will begin at 6pm.
The topic of urban planning is one that has lately become more and more talked about. Today's talk concentrates on issues such as transportation, architectural changes and road enlargement, and citizens' rights as well. Shorey will conduct an interactive session dealing with problems faced by the common man living in big cities.
Some of the topics that will be discussed are land use, transportation, environment, quality of basic services, water supply, sewerage, storm water drainage, power, roads footpaths and open spaces; bodies responsible for different aspects of civic life; what the procedures are for seeking relief; and what the current level of exercising rights by citizens is. The discussion will include also the new provisions of Community Participation Law, Public Disclosure Law.
S P Shorey studied Town Planning at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (1974), and Architectural Conservation at the International Centre for Conservation, ICCROM (1979), Rome. He has been a short-term consultant to World Bank and ICCROM in urban development and heritage conservation issues, and a visiting faculty at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, IIT Kharagpur, Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT), Ahmedabad, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, & other institutions.
He has several national and international papers and publications to his credit. Till April 2008, he was Special Officer (Planning) of Hyderabad Urban Development Authority. He is currently Director, Urban Management Resource Group, at the Centre for Good Governance, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Please contact 6552-6443 for further details.